- Agenda and Presentations (CERN Indico)
- Participants with a CERN login need to login with their CERN login.
- Companies will be requested to enter the passcode they have received separately.
- Visits
Please select your availabilty for visits according to availabilities for meetings upon registration.
- Accommodation:
A limited number of rooms have been pre-booked at the on site CERN Hotel for the period 24th - 27th May'23.
Price Sgle room: 58.-chf/night.
Deadline for reservation : 10 May'23.
Please complete the form received by your ILO and return it to the Hotel at the latest by this date.
In case of questions please address yourself directly to the hotel +41 22 767 4481 or housing.service@cern.ch and refer to the "Civil Engineering Business Forum 2023".
- Access to CERN: Each company representative will receive a mail from the CERN access registration service requesting information relevant for their access to CERN. They will be provided with a personal code which will generate their access card on the day of their arrival.
- Meeting Rooms:
- Meeting rooms for onsite participants:
Table 1: 61-1-007 Salle B
Table 2: 61-1-009 Salle C
Table 3: 61-1-017 Salle D
Table 4-10 : Mezzanine (follow indications onsite)
- Meeting rooms for virtual participants:
Please click on the link in your "B2Match meeting space"
Closed since 22 May 2023
Geneva, Switzerland